
Your investment property is only as valuable as its revenue-generating potential. Michigan Furnished Rentals works to ensure that you are getting the maximum ROI.

From Start to Finish, Everything You Need For A Successful Rental

Investor Relations

Interior Design Consult

A thoughtful and intentional approach to interior design. We will make recommendations and improvements to make your property irresistible to guests.

List Ready Preparation

Guest Ready Preparation


We strategically market your property listing on all rental platforms, which includes professional photos, video walkthroughs, floor plans, and a house manual.

This includes a combination of furnishing, staging, and ensuring your property is operating at its fullest potential, focusing on both style and functionality.

Ready to host?  We take care of all bookings, guest communications, cleaning and emergency issues so you don't have to! We ensure guests have a 5 star experience and you get paid!

You live and die by your ratings and occupancy rate in the world of furnished rentals. Whether you have an existing rental that could use a reset, or are just starting out, we ensure you create the ultimate guest experience. Our experience in interior design, sales, real estate, and marketing make Michigan Furnished Rentals your ideal short term or mid term rental partner.

The Importance of Proper Set-up & Management 

Promote and market your property with ease.


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